Ciki McIntire




Ciki is the Head Coach at Nashua South High School. She had been very involved in growing and cultivating the NHYLA program with Nashua Blast before taking on the high school position. She is a US Lacrosse Level 3 certified coach and Physical Education Teacher at the Nashua Public School system.

Ciki played lacrosse in college at Ohio Wesleyan University where she majored in Physical Education. She went back to school at Montclair State where she mastered in Coaching and Sports Administration. After college she coached High School lacrosse for 8 years at Kent Place School in New Jersey. After she relocated to coaching middle school in Concord, MA at Nashoba Brooks School.

Favorite Moment in the Game:

“My favorite moment in the game is to see the improvement made with individual skills over the course of a season as well as to see the camaraderie and team work that develops when teams really come together. It is nice to see strong bonds be formed amongst teammates and it is even nicer to see those teammates lift each other up when the going gets tough.”

About Ciki:

I live in Nashua with my husband John, our two children Cameron and Kirsten, our dog Miley and our cat Lilo.  I am also the Varsity Field Hockey Coach at Nashua South as well as the assistant Varsity Basketball coach for the high school.  When I am not on the field or court, I can be found in Maine at our Lake house.

Quote to Live By:

Never regret anything that made you smile

